
Friday, November 13, 2020

Importance of being a good friend

 The importance of being a good friend

I appeared at my newest school I had a friend who looked after me and so as I looked after him,I helped him when he struggles in pain he stopped me from cyber bullying we made sure we keep ourselves healthy so we can live longer to meet each other again.My friend was the friendliest friend that no one could beat our friendship our friendship is the highest state of all students,everyday we would play responsible games so none of us gets the ability to get hurt when we split to different classes we get emotional scars we were begging if we can be split in the same class and everything and we will stay as we keep our friendship.We keep making conversations that have to do with our tasks we finish our work asap like super sonic speed that’s how strong our teamwork is we always say teamwork makes the dream work and it will be like this our whole lifetime.

the 3R's


I use my manners at all times.I treat others kindly most of the time.I actively listen to the speaker some of the time.I show respect for Papatūānuku.I use some inappropriate language, mainly without realising.I speak to others inappropriately sometimes (tone/ language)


I am sometimes on time.I am never prepared for learning.My behaviour is that of a role model sometimes.I participate because I have to.*I treat equipment responsibly.


I mostly ask for help when I need it.I sometimes listen to and act on feedback.I persevere, but don’t see a task through to completion.I only try to solve a problem one way.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

student voice

   What I enjoyed in 2020

I enjoyed it in 2020. I had my birthday between the holidays and the whole school had six weeks off school. I had the best holiday and I got to see all my friends. I loved learning lots of things at school like my maths spelling and writing. I missed my teacher but I got to hangout with my friends and family. My favorite sport was rugby. We played everyday outside with my skill at learning was I used a rich vocab and I used my expression into my words. We made a school at my house. I was great at kapa haka I'm in the front row.We had a new baby named Jasmine te ata mahina maunsell.Iwill never forget those lovely days.

What I didn’t enjoy in 2020

We had a short time in kapa haka. We only had four weeks to practice and I was being naughty in class and kapa haka I didn’t enjoy corona either it was rough and heart pressering.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Future letter

 Congratulations future me thank you if you have reached our dream career and our house miro hope you reached your potential of singing and don’t forget BLM thank you Kyle.T. love you most and be pedentice make you stay clean so no covid k stay handsome 2 have a great life ,treat your gf like you treat yourself like a queen cook for her and love her so make sure you reach our dream career.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The flood that shocked me

The flood that shocked me

One day in Moerewa it was shining until Bam! A storm happened no one did a thing then Boom another strike everyone was terrified Despite I was scaredest. I tried to warn my cousins but they wouldn’t listen:the funny part was my cousins were on their devices, then Pow! Another strike All the internet turned off automatically the kids were like what! I was amazed that they were listening and asking me what had happened. The storm kept going on, it started flooding almost immediately Making a humongous ocean. Aj the oldest had a hypothesis it was the most stupid idea for a 13 year old! What came out of his mouth was confusing. He said ‘if we sing outside the sun will shine; he said you should do it Kyle; and I was like no thank you!. My friends were there to hear Ajs jokes. They are funny but when he said that sentence it blew my mind 100,000 times. In my head it that idea was absolutely ridiculously idiotic. In the morning when the water had disappeared the world was normal again then all the precious kids said ‘yay! long live the internet;.

The new Baby

Title:The new Baby

It began in a place called Rotorua we demolished our days in the holiday we came back in the metaled beast but mum was not feeling well I didn’t know a thing about mother our dad took her to the hospital me and my brothers were waiting at the marae then when she returned we found out it was a Baby girl.we wait decades past but no sign of the Baby we knew when the babys going to come out we waited til july my Birthday past but still o sign of the Baby. Then in August the third came there was a strong kick! Dad dropped us off at my aunt's house while dad went to the hospital then at 1:00 in the morning there came life my Baby sister had birth me and my brothers rushed to the hospital we held the human being my strength was gentle by her I love my sister named jasmine Te ata mahina Maunsell.

Friday, July 24, 2020

In school

On Friday at school we did more work about maths we did problem solving,maths games,fitness that had to do with maths,fractions and and my class had awesome fun we sometimes had hard maths we figured it out as a team always say teamwork makes the dream work for some people in my eyes everyone was working and at lunch times we'ed play handball,touch,racing and play cards.and aren't we lucky cause we have the most discipline and most working teacher anyone could ever have she is awesome and spectacular cause who did it our teacher.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Te mahi rongoa

Te mahi rongoa
Kyle Tumanako
Put the rongoa in the jars then put the grapeseed oil in the jars let it sit there for how long as you want.For the crock pot you put the Coconut oil in then the  beeswax if you put it on high it melts for 6 hrs if on low it goes for 8 hrs. Ngā Rongoa
Kawakawa,kumarahou and koromiko.
Ngā taputapu 
Coconut oil,beeswax,bottle,jars,grapeseed oil,funnel and a crock pot.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Extention mihi

                                                                    Extension mihi 
Ko te mihi tuatahi ki to tatou matua i te rangi
Ko ia te timatanga me te whakamutunga o nga mea katoa
Kororia ki tana ingoa tapu 
 E te whare e tu nei tena koe,e te whaea papatuanuku e takoto
Nei tena koe.Ara tena korua
Ki nga mate wheturangitia,haere haere haere atu ra.
          Hoki mai ki a matou te kanohi ora, tena tatou katoa                     
Ko whakarara toku maunga
Ko poteretere toku awa 
Ko matatua toku waka
Ko puhi toku rangatira 
Ko ngati kura te hapu
Ko ngapuhi te iwi 
No matauri ahau
Ko waiaua toku turanga waewae
Ko horace toku papa
Ko bina toku mama
Ko george me manu toku teina
Ko ngaroimata toku tuahine 
Ko Kyle tumanako maunsell ahau 
No reira tena koutou,tena koutou,tena tatou katoa