
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The flood that shocked me

The flood that shocked me

One day in Moerewa it was shining until Bam! A storm happened no one did a thing then Boom another strike everyone was terrified Despite I was scaredest. I tried to warn my cousins but they wouldn’t listen:the funny part was my cousins were on their devices, then Pow! Another strike All the internet turned off automatically the kids were like what! I was amazed that they were listening and asking me what had happened. The storm kept going on, it started flooding almost immediately Making a humongous ocean. Aj the oldest had a hypothesis it was the most stupid idea for a 13 year old! What came out of his mouth was confusing. He said ‘if we sing outside the sun will shine; he said you should do it Kyle; and I was like no thank you!. My friends were there to hear Ajs jokes. They are funny but when he said that sentence it blew my mind 100,000 times. In my head it that idea was absolutely ridiculously idiotic. In the morning when the water had disappeared the world was normal again then all the precious kids said ‘yay! long live the internet;.

The new Baby

Title:The new Baby

It began in a place called Rotorua we demolished our days in the holiday we came back in the metaled beast but mum was not feeling well I didn’t know a thing about mother our dad took her to the hospital me and my brothers were waiting at the marae then when she returned we found out it was a Baby girl.we wait decades past but no sign of the Baby we knew when the babys going to come out we waited til july my Birthday past but still o sign of the Baby. Then in August the third came there was a strong kick! Dad dropped us off at my aunt's house while dad went to the hospital then at 1:00 in the morning there came life my Baby sister had birth me and my brothers rushed to the hospital we held the human being my strength was gentle by her I love my sister named jasmine Te ata mahina Maunsell.