
Friday, May 28, 2021

Mataatua hoe

 Mataatua hoe

(Koru):New life growth,rebirth and deep connection to the earth. (Moana)Harmony with the forces of nature. (Hei-matau)It can be made by bones of greenstone. (Taniwha)In their role as guardians, taniwha were enchant to ensure that the people respected the taniwha because its tapu. They made certain that any bad people that were tapu were punished. Taniwha were especially dangerous to people from other tribes. There are many legends of battles with taniwha, both on land and at sea (Mangopare)The Mangopare represents strength, leadership, agility, determination, courage, and wealth.


(Taniwha) There are two taniwha named niwa araiteuru they protect hokianga harbour. 

(Moana) There are three waves named Ranginui Rangiroa and Ngarupai whenua.

(Harbour) The harbour is the entrance to hokianga.

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