
Monday, June 22, 2020

Te mahi rongoa

Te mahi rongoa
Kyle Tumanako
Put the rongoa in the jars then put the grapeseed oil in the jars let it sit there for how long as you want.For the crock pot you put the Coconut oil in then the  beeswax if you put it on high it melts for 6 hrs if on low it goes for 8 hrs. Ngā Rongoa
Kawakawa,kumarahou and koromiko.
Ngā taputapu 
Coconut oil,beeswax,bottle,jars,grapeseed oil,funnel and a crock pot.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Extention mihi

                                                                    Extension mihi 
Ko te mihi tuatahi ki to tatou matua i te rangi
Ko ia te timatanga me te whakamutunga o nga mea katoa
Kororia ki tana ingoa tapu 
 E te whare e tu nei tena koe,e te whaea papatuanuku e takoto
Nei tena koe.Ara tena korua
Ki nga mate wheturangitia,haere haere haere atu ra.
          Hoki mai ki a matou te kanohi ora, tena tatou katoa                     
Ko whakarara toku maunga
Ko poteretere toku awa 
Ko matatua toku waka
Ko puhi toku rangatira 
Ko ngati kura te hapu
Ko ngapuhi te iwi 
No matauri ahau
Ko waiaua toku turanga waewae
Ko horace toku papa
Ko bina toku mama
Ko george me manu toku teina
Ko ngaroimata toku tuahine 
Ko Kyle tumanako maunsell ahau 
No reira tena koutou,tena koutou,tena tatou katoa